Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hello! Things have been hectic lately. We are getting ready to have the house painted and we are going on vacation. The girls had birthdays. Maya is now 12 and Layla is now 1. Crazy. Drew is wondering when his birthday party is. Poor baby. He'll appreciate having his own time when he's older, but now he feel left out of the festivities. Layla is not just walking, but running. She's a wild child.
Andy is taking his first day off from work this friday. I'm so excited that I didn't have to have another baby for him to take time off! This is a first. We have a lot to do, but it will be nice to have him off when we can all just be home with him.
As for me, I'm still home. I've been on a mini-strike from cooking and cleaning lately. Burned out. I'll be starting school in the fall for acupuncture. The fam is running for the hills because I told them that when I'm ready I want to practice on them!! Just kidding, but not really. My bookclub is going nicely. We are reading Moloka'i. I don't have the author's name handy, but e-mail me if you are interested. I'm still selling labels. I love them. The keep me organized. Here is the link for those of you who are interested in labeling yours or your kids stuff:
cool stuff.
We are all healthy. Trying to remain peaceful and loving with eachother. The motto of the family is "Happy Wife, Happy Life". It's actually something I'm pushing for!! Everyone in the house seems to agree. It's of course easier said than done. But we're working on it.
Andy will put pics on asap. Hope you all are doing well. Kisses.


Anonymous said...

We are glad to read about your news. Maya will soon be a teenager and a responsible young lady. Drew must be proud to perform in church and Layla was funny yelling at him.
I had a chance to use the labels, they are beautiful and very useful.
Have fun on your trip and stay healthy.
Grandma Eaton.

ACR said...

Time to update Ms. Eaton!

It is JUNE already!!
Download pics from your trip! Can't wait to see them!